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Moments of solitude

Moments of solitude

Moments of solitude are amazing. As a monk finding time for introspection and contemplation was easy, 2 hours every morning scheduled for it and months away in ashrams's every year dedicated to it. I moved out of the temple that I called home 5 years ago and these moments seem ever more precious yet ever more elusive. Running a business isn't easy and comes with its own unique set of motivational hurdles as some of you may know.

For most of us actually, these essential moments are hard to come by and seem to be ill fitting with modern day living. Trying to grab a minute here and there becomes something else to be stressed about and when achieved the lure of recording it for social media easily takes priority over the actual fleeting seconds of genuine introspection.

A yoga based lifestyle has its foundation in a process of inner development. Time for introspection and contemplation a necessary part of everyday life.

I find being strict helps, regulating the time used everyday, ritualising the solitude. Same time, surroundings and incense. Create the right environment, I used to meditate in caves in the Gower peninsula and on the banks of sacred rivers in India now I have a little meditation cave under the stairs, ohh and turn off the phone. Definitely turn off the phone !!

Quick Tip - Managing expectations is necessary, the mind will scream and try to distract don't be scared to fight it.

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